Southeastern Narrow Gauge & Shortline Museum
About The Southeastern Narrow Gauge & Shortline Museum
The southeast's history is diverse, rich, and firmly rooted in business and personal identity. Known to produce agriculture, textiles, timber, and furniture, our industrial legacy was built upon a backbone of steel rails and wooden ties. From the 1830's until the present day, small railroads and narrow gauge lines provided critical arteries for passengers, freight, and materials required for commerce. Along these rails are also scattered memories - loved ones embarking upon a new adventure, the soldier hero returning from war, or perhaps a simple visit with favorite cousins.
Our museum - the ONLY railroad museum in the south with a concentration of narrow gauge railroading - houses a collection of vintage railroad equipment that dates as far back as the Era of Reconstruction, days when primitive iron rails endeavored to connect the cotton fields of lowland farms to the vast timber resources of the Appalachians. This collection includes boxcars, log cars, passenger cars, cabooses, and a steam locomotive housed in our open-air pavilion. We have the largest collection of vintage narrow gauge equipment in the south.